Category Archives: Teaching

Research Protocols

I have been thinking of the yearly research tasks I want to do. Would appreciate any feedback since I know very little about standard educational research. Elementary Engineering Robotics Case Study Yearly Research Tasks John Heffernan, Hampshire Regional Schools Research … Continue reading

Posted in Child Development, Research, Robotics, Teaching, Technology | Leave a comment

Sample Burglar Alarm Pitch

Here’s one of our top salespeople, MC, pitching her team’s burglar alarm. Students designed, built, tested, refined, and made a poster for a WeDo based burglar alarm. This is an open ended engineering challenge. That means the students design the … Continue reading

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Grade 4 Burglar Alarm Poster

Students need to create poster to sell the burglar alarms they created in their Lego WeDo based open ended challenge. Here’s one example.

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Scalability of Lego Engineering for Elementary and Middle Schools

I’ve been wondering how scalable either my ELementary Engineering Curriculum or any other similar program would be in terms of cost per student. So if we assume 24 kids per class, kids working in pairs, teachers sharing the kits by … Continue reading

Posted in Robotics, Teaching, Technology | 3 Comments

Adventure Story

Airplane Adventure by Katie and Becca   Hi.  My name is Serena.  I wanted to go to France.  I got in my plane and started it up. [Narrator] When she got into the sky, a flock of birds flew in … Continue reading

Posted in Robotics, Teaching, Technology | 1 Comment

Sample Third Grade Amazing Adventure Story

Third graders wrote and acted out (with their robots) adventure stories.  Here’s a sample story.  I’ll post a video next of a different team. The Adventure of Max Toney by CW and AB Max Toney is ready for the summer. … Continue reading

Posted in Robotics, Teaching, Technology | 2 Comments

Cool Burglar Alarm

  Here was one cool burglar alarm from today.  There is a motion sensor to detect motion at the door.  The kids were challenged to use the tilt sensor too.  This team put some cams in front of the door.  … Continue reading

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Elementary Robotics Here – How It All Started

When I came to the Williamsburg Schools eight years ago, there was an established robotics program for sixth graders, which I continued.  It was based on the older Lego RCX robots, which were problem prone.  A grade 1/2 teacher and … Continue reading

Posted in Child Development, Robotics, Teaching, Technology | 4 Comments

Integration of Writing and Robots

Wow.  The third graders are writing up a storm with their adventure stories that go along with the WeDo airplane robot.  They also started creating Lego and paper props and backgrounds.  Some students, who are in the FLL, Jr club, … Continue reading

Posted in Robotics, Teaching | 1 Comment

3 Year Third Grade Students

The third grade robotics students seem very proficient to me in both building and programming.  I started this group in grade 1 with WeDo robotics.  I wish I could quantify this more.  I will be able to compare their open … Continue reading

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