Category Archives: Robotics

Robotics Starts!

I had my first robotics class last week.  In order to get every grade level done, I need to start in September.  I am starting with grade 4 (2 sections) this year.  The kids were very eager to get going.  … Continue reading

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Robot Kits Stacked and Ready To Go

I am looking forward to starting 4th grade robotics this week.  We will do the LEGO WeDo Soccer Unit and then an open ended challenge.  Here’s how I store the robot kits in my “new” space.

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Local teacher poised to make mark in Lego world

WILLIAMSBURG – John Heffernan, who teaches technology in Williamsburg elementary schools, has been using Lego educational materials in his classrooms for years. He has developed a pre-K through sixth grade robotics curriculum involving the popular building toys. And he has … Continue reading

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Elementary Engineering Survey of Practice and Attitudes

I am seeking to determine how schools support or don’t support the natural engineering instincts of children through the use of a survey. The working thesis is that the natural engineering and building instincts of children are supported in preschool … Continue reading

Posted in Research, Robotics, Teaching | 2 Comments

Grade 6 Survey Results

This cohort had 2 years of LEGO robotics.  Last year’s only had one.  Also, the unit was much more successful this year.  I did change the wording of the engineering question slightly this year to match another study sponsored by … Continue reading

Posted in Child Development, Research, Robotics, Technology | 3 Comments

First Year of Case Study – Observations

I saw some interesting things in the first year of the seven-year longitudinal case study of engineering skills of young children from grades K to 6.  Each year, they will be given a variety of materials and be asked to … Continue reading

Posted in Child Development, Research, Robotics, Technology | 3 Comments

Teacher Interview – How Is Robotics Different Than More Traditional Activities?

I found this grade 5 teacher very inspiring in her willingness to try something new.  Her experience with robotics was obviously very affirming to me  because what I have been trying to do is having an impact on teachers and … Continue reading

Posted in Robotics, Teaching, Technology | 2 Comments

Sixth Grade Dragster Robots

Check out the level of excitement of Tori and Bella as they used some great teamwork and engineering to produce a really fast robot dragster using 3 chained gears.

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Kindergarten Estimation and Measurement with BeeBots

We have a great estimation and measurement lesson for K kids that uses BeeBots.  Kids first estimate the distance between two marks of some kind (I use masking tape).  There are a number of these around the room (usually 8 … Continue reading

Posted in Child Development, Robotics, Teaching | 4 Comments

More Curriculum Updates

I updated the PK and K curriculum maps.  There were some minor mistakes and a non-optimal order for K.  See the Resources Page for new downloads.  I updated the complete PK-6 map too to include the PK and K changes.

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