I had an idea to do a LEGO based reflection for a final undergraduate Digital Apps In Education class*. Students were asked to think back to something, someone, or a key idea that stood out for them for the class. They then build a representation of that in LEGO. We then went around and each student held up their LEGO creation and explained the build. This is something I did on occasion with younger students. I thought it would be a fun activity for undergrads – though I was had some fears it would be considering “babyish”. However, students really seemed to enjoy it. There was a very noticeable shift in the mood of the class. The part that was unexpected was how happy them seemed to be. The smiles were infectious! Perhaps, doing a fun, physical, and childhood evoking activity along the stress of finals was part of the good feelings that seemed to result.
* Great class content designed by Dr Torrey Trust and tweaked by me.
Undergraduates are amazing in what they can do and created some great representations of some hard concepts. Here a few videos of that and more photos below the videos.