Category Archives: Teaching

Gender Differences in STEM

This is from a very interesting study that looks at how teachers treat boys and girls differently in the context of a STEM LEGO robotics project.  It confirms my experience that girls need to be involved in engineering projects all … Continue reading

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EV3 Woodpecker

One interesting project would be for students to create their own wild animals that mimics the  movement or behavior of a wild animal.  In addition to the open ended engineering challenge of building the robot, they would need to research … Continue reading

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Sample Lesson Plan – Grade 2 Robotic Amusement Park Ride Challenge

I am in the process of finishing my Elementary Engineering with Robotics book.  I am now finishing all the lesson plans.  Here is a sample lesson that will be in the book.  Note that the standards alignment will be in … Continue reading

Posted in Robotics, Teaching, Technology | 6 Comments

LEGO WeDo Vehicle Challenge

I needed another open ended challenge for a grade 3 class that wanted to do another project this year. A couple of second graders made a car for the amusement park challenge this year (see below) so I thought I … Continue reading

Posted in Robotics, Teaching, Technology | 5 Comments

Ride Poster Improvements

A classroom teacher I am working with for the first time had some great ideas for improving the ride poster for our second grade open ended engineering challenge to make their own amusement park ride. She told the students to … Continue reading

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4 Color Map Problem Video

Here’s a video of some grade 4 students working on the famous 4 color map problem.  They formed spontaneous groups to try and find 5 color counterexamples, maps that REQUIRE 5 colors.   4 Color Map Problem from John Heffernan … Continue reading

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4 Color Map Problem Research Conclusion

It was extremely valuable and interesting for me to take a lesson I have been doing for twenty years and examine it in-depth and against the background of extant research and theory.  For example, the research provided insights into how … Continue reading

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Spinning Top Misconceptions

The study of alternative or common misconceptions is an active educational research field (Confrey 1990).  I have been paying more attention to it in my second grade robotics unit this year which focuses on gears and pulleys.  One the of … Continue reading

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Adapting Classic Computer Science Problems for Elementary Students: Case Study of the Four Color Map Theorem

Here’s the abstract for a little research project I am planning for my final project for my inquiry learning course.  Still trying to pinpoint exactly what to collect for data and what I am looking for.  I tend to be … Continue reading

Posted in Child Development, Research, Teaching, Technology | Leave a comment

Computer Programming at Williamsburg Schools

There’s been a lot of buzz about a recent video featuring Mark Zuckerberg (founder of FaceBook) and Bill Gates (co-founder of Microsoft).  You can watch it at  The video advocates the teaching of programming to students (including young students).  … Continue reading

Posted in Robotics, Teaching, Technology | 2 Comments