Category Archives: Teaching

Use of Props for Robotics Related Writing

We are doing  the Lego WeDo Adventure Stories unit in third grade.  This unit integrates with language arts, particularly writing.  Students write in a number of different formats (plays, interviews, logs) with their adventure robots as the setting and impetus … Continue reading

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Generalization of Rules

Those of us who are teachers or parents have seen the phenomenon where children figure out rules and have trouble with the exceptions to the rules, which is quite understandable.  As adults, we should remember this, and correct them but … Continue reading

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PK to Grade 6 Elementary Engineering Curriculum Maps Available!

I have finished the first drafts of Curriculum Maps, based on an Understanding By Design model,  for a PK to Grade 6 robotics curriculum called the Elementary Engineering Curriculum based on BeeBots (PK-K), Lego Education WeDo (Grade 1-4), and Lego … Continue reading

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What Kids Do At Indoor Recess

This week, in a small first grade class, I noticed that 8 kid were building out of some paper leaves the teacher left out, 3 kids were doing Legos, and 1 kid was reading.  I’m not saying we should not … Continue reading

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Awesome Art

This is not related directly to Kids Engineering but I had to share this example of second grade art created on the computer using HyperStudio 5.  We do a session where kids explore the tools and techniques to use them.  … Continue reading

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Understanding Children’s Work

  What do you see in the image above?  When I do a “free explore” exercise with students, I walk around and see what they are drawing.  Sometimes, it is apparent what they are drawing, whether it be a more … Continue reading

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Case Study Starts in Earnest

It rained yesterday so I had indoor recess duty with the kindergarten students.  The current K class will be my case study class.  I have 2 students, who are twins, as case study kids and will be looking for some … Continue reading

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Grade 5 Curriculum Map Added to Resources Page

I added the curriculum map for our grade 5 NXT robotics unit to the Resources page. Any auxiliary files can be found in the zip file at the end of the page

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BeeBot Class

I taught my first BeeBot class for teachers and it went great! BeeBots are small premade robots meant for early elementary students.  I used them in PK and K.  I was not sure there was enough for a whole day … Continue reading

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Effects of a Less Than Optimal Project

Sixth graders did an engineering challenge this year to create the fastest robot they could that could also go around an obstacle placed anywhere and continue along its path.  For this year’s sixth grade students, it was their first year … Continue reading

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