Category Archives: Kids

Latest Article on Setting Tech Limits With Kids

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Mixing Blocks

I tend to be on the neat (read OCD) side and I will, many times, ask my son to clean up one set of toys before starting a new one.  I have seen, in the past, that he will often … Continue reading

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Connection and Discipline

My wife and my son tend to have many more power struggles than he and I do.  I was wondering why as we use the same discipline techniques.  I  can muster up my TEACHER VOICE on command, which helps.  But … Continue reading

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School IT in the Dark Ages?

I went to a meeting of local school IT managers last week and some of them appear to be in the dark ages.  They talked about blocking Google Docs because a teacher could possibly post kid’s contact info there.   “We … Continue reading

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Don’t Put Away Childish Things

I heard a quote on the radio yesterday in a song about maturing that references the quote (from the Bible) about “putting away childish things.”  While that may be referring to something different, I was thinking that I never want … Continue reading

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